Here is a gallery of familiar faces to Comeuppance Reviews. Also check out Direct To Video Connoisseur's Hall Of Famers for more DTV goodness. If you click their name, it will take you to all the movies on this site they have been in. Enjoy!
Scott Adkins
Scott Adkins
John Barrett
Billy Blanks
David Bradley
Reb Brown
Dale "Apollo" Cook
Chuck Connors
Mark Dacascos
Gary Daniels
Grant Page
Roddy Piper
Cynthia Rothrock
Jeff Speakman
Sly Stallone
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Carl Weathers
Fred Williamson
Don "The Dragon" Wilson
Jeff Wincott
Bolo Yeung
Frank Zagarino
Robert Z'Dar
This isn't meant to be a definitive list. If you have suggestions for people to include, we welcome your ideas.
Great site! Thank you for the funny reviews! Here are some suggestions for your Hall of Fame: Chuck Norris, Charles Bronson, Rutger Hauer, Steven Seagal, Jet Li, Thomas Ian Griffith, Mark Dacascos, Olivier Gruner, Robert Patrick, David Carradine, Loren Avedon, Daniel Bernhardt, Jalal Merhi, Michael Worth, Mark Gregory, Robert Ginty, Jerry Trimble, Joe Lara...and I'm sure I forgot someone.
Thanks for the suggestions! We're glad you read the site and we plan on adding more names to the Hall Of Heroes in the future.
We're sure some names from your list will make it in!
Love the site, the reviews are as entertaining as it gets for mine.
The most unlikely of action stars, the late, great Exterminator, Robert Ginty, is a must for your Hall of Fame.
He was the king of straight to video and every movie he directed or starred in perfectly captured the essence of what this site is all about.
Thanks for helping me unearth many hidden gems. Keep up the great work!
Thanks! We appreciate the kind words. He should be on there, you're right.
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